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prompts for writing app overview

This project was built with Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, Html and has AI integrated, using also API calls.


This project uses real-time information from an API call to give the time in the selected city. It was built with Vanilla JavaScript, Css, Html and using API.


Who said math is boring? This student resourse was built with Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, Html.

This project uses Data from a Dataset created in DataStax and on top of that the openai API to transform the data into readable information. It was developed with TypeScript and Node.Js using vanilla CSS. Due to security reasons with my key in the openai API the code is not open but I am happy to share with you if you want further information!

react weather app

This project was built using React, it recives real information from an API call, it allows to search different cities and provides accurate weather information.


This project was built using React, it recieves information from two different APIs calls. It provides multiple definitions, pronunciation and visuals for each word the user searches. It also uses Bootstrap.

joke generator

This light-hearted app uses API calls to AI to generate respectful and sensible jokes. It was built with Vanilla JavaScript, html and CSS. It also uses external components for the design.

vanilla js weather app

This weather App was built with Vanilla Javascript, it recieves accurate and real-time weather information, through the API call, it allows the user to search whatever city they want.

landgin page for agora online school

This landing page was built using pure CSS. It is the landing page of an online school. It uses embeded code from YouTube and Spotify as well as being fully responsive. A passion project of mine that also serves as an example for my design abilities.


by Ines Paris You can find here some designs I created for websites and also case studies done during my UX Writing studies